Well here we go with one of the first treads for this new medium.
The rules committee will be meeting over this comming weekend for two purposes:
1. They will be doing a final review of the recomended changes (adjustments) to the rules for TN 2009. The changes are as indicated earlier, but as per our policy, they will have one final review before they are published as final and incorporated into the TN 2009 Rules and Regulations.
2. They will then start work on a set of recomendations and/or adjustments for the rules for the next four year period, from 2010 to 2014. When these recomendations are received they shall be reviewed and finalized as per the above process for posting by April 2009. At this time it is not expected that many of these changes will be significant as they will be more of a maturing of the existing regs using the experience we have gained over the past four years.
We are very proud of this process and of the folks who have worked so hard to make any changes seamless. Much thanks and Hats off to David Lambert our Tech Advisor, Jud Buchannan, Mike MacKenzie, Doug Mepham, Tony Kloosterman and Glen Clarke for all their time and hard work; also thanks to Greg Twining who reresents the event safety and risk management side of the Rules and Regulations.
Austin Healey BJ7/8 Reproduction Water Pumps
5 years ago